Product design snapshots
Collection of work

I've had the opportunity to solve problems for B2C, B2B, B2B2C, and E2E (employee to employee problems, did I make this up?). Each with the focus of solving for the end-user. Here is a collection of work I did for various projects and clients.

Systems Design
Consistency and efficiency

Over the years at Groupon, I've worked with system designers to create components, manage the system, and most recently led the effort to migrate our design system to Figma. With each step, we are refining how to collaborate with engineering better, so we're speaking the same language.

IBM homepage redesign
Creating a smarter website

At VSA Partners, we created a new homepage for IBM. We started by interviewing department stakeholders. We wanted to understand what they and their users needed from a home page. We focused on creating a scalable solution to tell a consistent story. I explored typography, photography and iconography styles, content types, interactions, and navigation structures. Below is a snapshot of one of those concepts.

Discover what works for you

Clue was a concept for an app that guides people through an elimination diet in the hope of improving their health by discovering food intolerances. Below is one of the loading animations I explored for the feed where the user tracks and records their symptoms as they introduce food into their diet.

Upside Newsfeed
Don't be on the downside

Upside Newsfeed was an internal web app concept for IBM. It would be a place for employees to share content and follow others within the organization to learn about their industry.